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Why Rhythms matter. Life gets intense and deadlines build up. It could be; a new baby, new house, new move, new job, death, broken relationships – life can knock us into chaos, but prioritising rhythms can save us a world of heartache. Come up for air and take stock of where you’re heading.

The first quarter of the year is almost coming to an end. In these past four months, I have found myself busier than ever and my rhythms up in the air. I  recently got engaged and spent months in a whirlwind of wedding planning. At the same time, I was in the process of completing on a house, a real run down fixer upper. At my church, we are looking to move into a new building, and the entire project is taxing on all staff members, not just myself, yet rewarding at the same time; and as if that was not enough to be getting on with I am currently writing my leadership masters dissertation of 18,000 words!
Each one of these is not particularly difficult; it is more the fact they are all happening at the same time. What I have discovered is that when we are under pressure with significant life changes, our daily rhythms get thrown out of sync.
There is magnificent power in having routines in your life. Routine times for work, times for rest, times for play, times for family and times for friends.
In the chaos, I have found that often the first thing to be sacrificed is time with friends and family. Perhaps it is because they love you and support you and maybe are more understanding when you’re under strain.  However, there is a limit on how long you can be out of rhythm. The consequences are severe, even if we don’t grasp how severe.

[ictt-tweet-blockquote]We are never better than when our inner rhythms are on point.[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]


The reason why we should set time apart for crucial areas of our life is that it is of great benefit to others, but also to ourselves.
It will do you good!
You may be thinking ‘this deadline matters’ and ‘stuff has got to be done’.
I promise you ten years from now you won’t be sat thinking about lost opportunities to do more work. You will be thinking about relationships into which you should have put time. Or, you will be thinking about people you let down. You will be thinking about estranged friendships that fell by the wayside.
Opportunities come and go for all of us. Chance happens to every one of us and will again. You will be far more fulfilled and happier if you surround yourself with an abundance of people that are for you and you for them. If our inner world is out of rhythm, it will hurt everything else.
It always does.
Get your personal rhythm right, and all the other pressures lift somewhat. They don’t go away, but you may find that the edge is removed from the stress. I’m still in the middle of intense deadlines, but devoting every waking hour to meeting them is not necessarily the way. We can be more productive when we are happy and rested than when we are stressed and tested.


So how do we get into rhythm? A few weeks ago I began setting aside specific time for friends and family. The reality is that while things are busy your calendar gets dominated by what feels like the most pressing matters. If you don’t carve out time and ring-fence it, you will continuously be dictated to by your circumstances. 
I bet you probably know that saying things like ‘I don’t have time to…’ is just an excuse. We make time for things that matter. If you had just won a free holiday, despite how busy you are, I bet you can make time to go!
You have to work out what matters to you most. Make a personal plan if you need to. Either way, identify what matters most and put time aside for it. For me, it is family, friends and faith. If I allow busyness to cost me in those three areas, then everybody in my world suffers and I am never more at my best than when these three areas are in constant rhythm, being topped up and invested in regularly.


Take a moment and write down this question ‘what three things matter to me most’. When you answer it, get a diary, iCal reminder, or whatever you use to track your week, and carve out regular devoted time to investing into what matters most. Do intentionally and don’t wait for it to ‘just happen’. Live on purpose.

Discussion Rules: I’m not into thought policing at all, but I am big on honour and respect. Your opinions are fine, but if you’re ill-mannered or nasty, your comments will disappear; furthermore Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Finally, have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (All credit to Tim Ferris’ site who I totally took this idea from).

Julian Joseph

Author Julian Joseph

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